- Admission to Eklavya Model Residential School is made through district-level competitive examination and the tribal children of Parvathipuram Manayam are admitted at class VI level. All the children who have studied in and passed Class V from any recognized school and are bonafide residents of Parvathipuram Manayamr district between 9 to 11 years of age are eligible to appear EMRS Entrance-Test for class VI.
- As per the Scheme, a maximum of 60 students can be admitted in class VI per year in EMRS. However, in view of the shortage of the accommodation, it is restricted to 30 only. Education in Eklavya Model Residential School is free of cost.
- Admissions to Eklavya Model Residential School, Nichar take place on the basis of a selection test designed and conducted by the Management of School. The test called the EMRS Entrance-Test for class 6th is of nonverbal nature, class neutral and so designed as to ensure that talented children from the rural and tribal areas are able to compete without facing any disadvantages.
- Because of the poor communication facilities in tribal areas special care is taken to ensure that children from far-flung rural areas get admission forms without any problem. Sufficient publicity is done to the local schools and villages of the district. As a result, rural areas are becoming aware of the unique residential system under the EKLAVYA Scheme.
To Appear In The Entrance Test, A Candidate Must Have To Fulfill The Following Eligibility Conditions:
- A candidate appearing for the Selection Test must be studying in Class V in a Government/Government-Aided or other recognized school in the just preceding academic session for which Entrance Test is conducted. Actual admission in Class VI in the session is, however, subject to the condition of having passed Class V before admission.
- A candidate seeking admission must be between the age group 9-11 years on 1st May of the year of admission for which the Entrance Test is conducted.
- A candidate claiming admission must have studied and passed class III, IV & V from Government/Government Aided/ recognized schools in the preceding three continuous academic sessions for which the Entrance Test is conducted spending one full academic session in each class without any repetition of class, gap and/or break in.
- No candidate is allowed to appear in the selection test, for the second time under any circumstances, if does so, on individual or parents risk, legal action will be initiated.